Donnerstag, 9. April 2009

Short Story

Urban Legends: Only the Virgins survive!

Do you believe in urban legends? Have you heard the one about innocent teenagers who stay virgins and survive whereas teenagers who had sex will always die? Well, this one is used frequently in American horror movies, but maybe it is not only true in movies!? Let me tell you a story about David, the American guy I was dating and was having sex with.

It’s Saturday at 11.30 pm. David and I are standing at the train station waiting for the train that will take me to my hometown. We are in a small German village which is in the middle of nowhere. The train station is at the end of the village surrounded by a dark forest. It is badly lit and completely abandoned. The station was probably build in 1850 and after that nobody ever tried to renovate it. There are no sounds at all, even the wind is too scared to blow here. The streets are empty except for a few black cats and we are tipsy. David’s friends are having a party down at the lake which is a 30-minute walk away. The train comes, I give him a good-bye kiss and while the train leaves I see him standing there waving at me. The train arrives in my hometown and I call David. I hear the dial tone, the call goes through, it must be ringing, it takes a long time, he doesn’t pick up, I keep calling, I’m still waiting, I get worried….Finally, he picks up. He is out of breath. He probably walks very fast to get through this scary town back to his friends. He tells me that his imagination goes crazy when he’s drunk and that this village is the perfect place for vampires, zombies, and axe murderers. I laugh. He’s so funny. We talk about nothing important. I just want to keep him company while he has to walk back alone. I can already hear the party at the lake through the phone. He can’t be far away. He shrieks. But then he tells me that he just saw a frog jumping in front of his feet. The music gets louder. I’m ready to hang up. But he asks me to hold on a little longer. Then I hear something grunting on David’s side. He suddenly sounds scared. I can hear how he whirls around. Through the phone I hear movements in the bushes. He screams. I can hear punches and muffled cries for help. I want to know what’s wrong. He doesn’t answer. I can’t do anything. I feel helpless. I can hear how David is dragged through the woods. He must still have his phone in his hand. It seems to take forever. The dragging stops. I again hear the grunts. They sounds are echoed. They must be in a cave. I can hear David’s rapid and heavy breathing. I hear his last terrified scream and then a heavy blow to his head. The phone drops. The call is disconnected.

I wake up. I’m glad that this horrible dream is over. I look around. My room is full of flowers and bereavement cards. I’m wearing black clothes. I remember. I just came back from David’s funeral. It was held, hough his body was never found. I must have fallen asleep while crying. I remember that urban legend. Would he still be alive if he had been a virgin?

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